A message from the Chair of Governors, Islington Futures Federation
Dear All,
You may recall from a previous communication that a decision was made to dissolve Islington Futures Federation with effect from 12th December 2023.
From that date, each of the schools which comprised the Federation will operate on a free-standing basis and will each have their own separate and distinct Governing Boards.
Following the above announcement, the Federation’s Governing Board has been busy putting measures in place to help the new school Governing Boards hit the ground running, post Federation.
In the new world, the Governing Boards are allowed to have an increased number of governors, so we have been busy recruiting for all three schools, as well as ensuring that each of the Governing Board will have the right mix of skills and experience. I have to say that it’s been amazing to see so many people showing an interest in becoming a school governor. We have been inundated with applications for parent, staff and co-opted school governors and it’s great to see that people really are passionate about our students, schools and the local community. Thank you to all applicants!
With the Federation dissolving, we are saying goodbye to a number of governors and I would like to show my appreciation to everyone who has helped make the Federation and in turn the schools, a success. Sadly, I will also be departing and I must say, it’s been a pleasure working with everyone connected to our schools. Having been a governor for the past eight years, I’ve really enjoyed seeing both our students and staff develop and progress along their individual paths.
Having spoken to governors and the school leadership teams, there really is an excitement about the future mode of governance. Having individual Governing Boards, will allow each school to really focus on what is important to them and of course, having larger teams, will allow us to pull in skills, expertise and knowledge from a wider group of people.
As an important side note, we will be re-issuing several of our key policies as of 12th December, however many of the policies will remain unchanged until they fall due for their periodic reviews.
On behalf of Islington Futures Federation, I would like to wish you all the best in the future. Exciting times are ahead and I look forward to hearing many success stories in the years to come.
Thanks, Sarah Evans
Please visit the websites for further information on our schools.